Saturday, October 11, 2008

Way too many things at once...

I'm trying to spread myself out over the course of 3 projects & playing with my son. My 3 year old, who is a maniac, is a very spirited child & happens to be be pretty high maintenance. Similar to a high powered vehicle you might purchase in Germany, this kid does not run out of horsepower. From the moment he wakes up, even into bed, he's full of action.

This shot is from this morning. We had just sat down to play with Legos. Well, he needed to make a bridge/tunnel with them to roll the Matchbox cars in and crash.

And the current projects I'm working on...

SMSS Kimono in "Goldfish Dots" on cfm by Kim at WSK.

And I'm just starting the short rows for this, but here's what was started yesterday. Adorabubble Britches from the Top in "Rivendell" on cfm from Leidy from WSK for a custom:

And the last thing I am about to cast on either today or tomorrow, some shorties for a custom; "Military Man" on corriedale by Diane at SKB/Cherish that I don't have a pic of. ;)

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